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By Max Jaeger
Brooklyn Daily
A political-corruption watchdog group has endorsed the campaign of a Brooklyn politician under investigation for corruption.
Citizens Union threw its weight behind state Sen. Marty Golden (R–Bay Ridge) in the Nov. 4 general election despite the fact that federal prosecutors recently subpoenaed Golden’s campaign finance records, reportedly because of the more than $500,000 the 12-year incumbent has spent at his family’s catering hall since 2002.
But the century-old, corruption-combatting, good-government group doesn’t jump to conclusions, its executive director said.
“It would be irresponsible to make a decision based on a report of an investigation,” said Dick Dadey. “It’s fairness in our democracy to not judge people simply because they’re under investigation.”
Citizens Union endorsed Golden for his commitment to ballot reform, Dadey said.
“[Golden] is a constructive partner in our efforts to create more readable ballots so people are less confused,” he said. “He’s genuinely interested in seeing that voters know how to cast their ballots in the correct way, and that’s an important reform.”
Citizens Union asks candidates seeking its endorsement to complete a questionnaire stating their campaign goals and positions on reform-minded issues. Both Golden and challenger Jamie Kemmerer filled out the forms.
In one section, Golden said he supports “stricter requirements on the use of campaign contributions for non-campaign related activity, such as personal use.”
Critics have attacked Golden for spending campaign cash on fund-raisers and constituent services events at the Bay Ridge Manor, which Golden sold to his brother before taking office.
The state board of elections handbook states that campaign cash can be used to “better serve constituents or better serve the office.” Examples include “district office renovations, supplies, renovations, and telephones,” the handbook states.
Golden has contended that all of his campaign spending has been aboveboard and perfectly legal.