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IT’S ONLY MY OPINION: Stan brings out the ‘Dragnet’


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By Stanley P. Gershbein

Brooklyn Daily

Not a week passes when I don’t read something in the newspaper that I find unintelligent, and I catch myself responding with the theme from “Dragnet” —Duuumb de DUMB dumb.

When a Florida police officer pulled over a 19-year-old female driving at 1 am in late September, he heard the sounds of a baby crying coming from the trunk. Upon opening it, he found the driver’s 5-month-old baby. Mommy’s explanation is that she didn’t have a car seat for the infant and did not want to risk getting a ticket for driving without one. Duuumb de DUMB dumb.

• • •

The Jewish population of the state of Mississippi is less than one tenth of one percent of the total population. With so few Jews residing in the Magnolia State, why is there so much anti-Semitism?

On September 23rd, Rabbi Ted Riter of the Beth Israel Congregation in Jackson, Miss., ordered a salad for lunch at Wraps Restaurant. The owner of the eatery asked him, “Will that be a full size or a Jewish size?” When the rabbi asked for an explanation of this Jewish size, the response he received was, “It’s small. Jews are cheap and small. Everybody knows that.”

Some very nasty words were hurled at the rabbi before he was thrown out of Wraps. He posted the situation on Facebook and is still receiving an outpouring of support. As for the owner of the place: Duuumb de DUMB dumb.

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Ailina Tsarnaev is the sister of the alleged (must always remember to use that word) Boston Marathon bombers, Tamerlan and Dzhokar. The young woman had a telephone altercation with her current boyfriend’s old girlfriend. She was arrested after she threatened the other woman by saying, “I have people. I know people that can put a bomb where you live.” Duuumb de DUMB dumb.

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Our president traded the equivalent of five terrorist first-round draft picks for an alleged (must always remember to use that word) deserter, but couldn’t take a minute to call the president of Mexico to discuss our marine in their jail. Duuumb de DUMB dumb.

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A woman in Oklahoma was beheaded by a recent Muslim convert who was fired for attempting to recruit his coworkers to Islam. During the attack he shouted words in Arabic and an examination of his computer revealed his passion for Muslim extremists. The FBI, an organization which unfortunately has become thoroughly political, refuses to use the word “terrorism.” It refers to this murder as “workplace violence.” Duuumb de DUMB dumb.

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And finally, in his ridiculous comments about Islam, Ben Affleck shouted, “ISIS couldn’t fill a double-A ballpark in Charleston, W. Va.”

There is no double-A team in Charleston. The closest you come is the Power, a single-A team that plays in the Appalachian Power Park, which seats 4,500. ISIS is an organization of between twenty and fifty thousand soldiers.

I am StanG‌ershb‌ein@B‌ellso‌uth.net advising Affleck to stick to acting. His recent comments are — all together now — Duuumb de DUMB dumb.

Read Stan Gershbein's column every Monday on Brook‌lynDa‌ily.com.

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