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By Shavana Abruzzo
Brooklyn Daily
Evil has hit the jackpot on Barack Obama’s watch, and the sobering society George Orwell created in his book “1984” — where freedom, self-expression, and thought were oppressed, and where everyone spoke a state-neutered language — is just a step away, unless the planet’s top leader snaps out of his coma and hops to work.
Chop, chop, Mr. President. Dump the political correctness, get your Tarzan on, and demand more of “our friends” in the Muslim world, for the alternative is too unbearable for words. Last month’s grisly beheadings of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff were a murderous memo to liberty lovers that radical Islam is calling the shots. And the empty aftermath was a ghastly reminder that so-called moderate Islam is laying much too low while the world falls apart.
Freedom is not free or everlasting, and western democracies can share the blame for the terrorists’ profound immorality and the Muslim community’s shocking malaise. Both are the abscessed fruits of our own submission to the “religion of peace.”
For too long now, stewards of civilization barely flinched as Islamo-terrorists intensified their butchery against Israel and the west, racking up suicide bombings, massacres, ethnic cleansings, rapes, and beheadings like schoolboys adding to their marble collections. Overwhelmed westerners, mistakenly equating criticism against the thugs as a dig at Islam, ignored the carnage or mewled their solidarity to Muslims, while western governments lavished cash on Islamic nations to buy their cooperation in the war on terror. Emboldened rogue regimes pocketed the loot, but continued to harbor, sponsor, and birth terrorists — again with barely a whimper from the west.
Yet for all our bungling, it is the Muslim diaspora that needs a wake up call the most. The negatives of a global Muslim caliphate, governed by intolerant shariah law, should not be lost on the millions of believers who have sought and found a better life in free Judeo-Christian lands. It is their duty now to return the support with a peace movement aimed at breaking the code of silence among Muslims and expunge terrorism from its deadliest lairs and safest havens. The faithful must work overtime with law enforcement, mosques, and their local communities and ancestral societies to expose and eradicate radical preachers and their minions because freedom’s future is at stake. Islam’s believers have long maintained that terrorists are false Muslims. If so, will the real Muslims step forward and roll up their sleeves? For inspiration, they can look to the handful of brave Americans who drummed up the courage 238 years ago to launch a long and hard crusade to overcome their British tormenters, the rest being history.
There is no easy solution to Islamo-bedlam, but worldwide Muslim cooperation and pro-action is key, as is defining and defunding our sworn enemies, sealing our borders, placing a moratorium on Muslim immigration, and stepping up surveillance in Muslim communities — with full and undivided Muslim cooperation.
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