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By Joanna DelBuono
Brooklyn Daily
Talk about stupid — the latest are the celebs that take naked selfies and expect them to remain private. Ha! The hackers are laughing all the way across the internet.
Dumb, dumb, and dumber — if you want to take intimate naked selfies then have the good sense to use a Polaroid, look at them and then destroy them. But to upload them anywhere and think they will be forever safe? You have got to be il capo di tutti stupido of all time.
Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, the latest to be targeted, had their intimate pictures hacked and exposed (pun intended). Yes, I know they were private photos and no one should be hacking anything from private accounts, but for Pete’s sake can these celebs use at least a little common sense where their so-called private parts are concerned?
They have to know that there are cyber-stalkers out there whose sole purpose is to surf the web and look for ways to hack into their iPhones, iPads, or personal computers searching for anything that remotely smells of scandal. These cyber-thieves don’t care if they find bare baby bottom bombs — it’s fair game, and finding these intimate shots had to be the score of the century — mind you there are only 14 years into the century so far, so I might be a bit dramatic, but nevertheless, these pix are a commodity that can’t be ignored.
A long time ago my Aunt Jo told me that if you wanted to keep anything private, but you felt compelled to tell it to someone, just tell it to the face in the mirror and be done with it.
The same goes with pictures. If you don’t want anyone to see those selfies of your bottom (I hear they even have a name — “belfies”), then after you take a peek, delete it and go your merry way. If not — somewhere, some when, somehow, and someone will find a way to intercept it and your private parts will be private parts no more — and faster than you can hit control, alt, delete, your bare bottom will be up on a social network site for all the world to see.
If you upload it, make no mistake, it will be hacked.
Is it right? No. Does it happen? All the damn time.
In this brave new cyber world where security and secure sites are iffy propositions, who would take the chance by uploading intimate information and photos that could be obtained by unscrupulous hackers? Stupid, that’s who.
Remember this valuable lesson: you can stop a bank account, you can even get a new credit card, but no matter how hard you try, once those boobs are up, they are up for good.
Not for Nuthin™, but take a lesson from my Aunt Jo — to keep those private parts private after you take risqué selfies, show it to the face in the mirror, hit control, alt, delete and be done with it.
Follow me on Twitter @JDelBuono.