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IT’S ONLY MY OPINION: Stan says remember IRS, Alamo


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By Stanley P. Gershbein

Brooklyn Daily

The events in Ferguson, Mo., Gaza and Iraq have pushed Lois Lerner off the front page. U.S. citizens have no love for the Internal Revenue Service. In fact, most of America fears the department and harbors more than just a bit of dislike for it. If the GOP does a decent job of reminding us of the things Miss Lerner allegedly (must always remember to use that word) did, it may be able to pick up a few extra votes in the next election.


Who are these animals playing the knockout game? They think that they accomplished something great by punching someone in the face to knock him out. In recent days these cowards, and that’s exactly what they are, took out several elderly men and a very pregnant woman. You can no longer find fault with anyone that walks the street with his hand in his pocket wrapped around a Smith and Wesson 38.


There’s a very public feud going on between former CNN host Piers Morgan and his predecessor Larry King. In a radio interview last week King said “Piers Morgan Live,” telecast in a wonderful prime time slot, suffered poor ratings because of Morgan’s “pompous interviewing style.”

Morgan shot back, “Get over it you daft old goat. You wrecked CNN’s 9:PM ratings. Not me.”

Each is blaming the other for the failing ratings in that prestigious prime time slot and they’re both wrong. They should focus their attention on the two more-popular people who are the cause of the ratings changes, and they don’t even work for CNN: Sean Hannity and Megyn Kelley.


The Hamas Charter says that to fulfill Allah’s prophesy and Mohammed’s prophesy, it is necessary to kill every Jew standing behind every rock. It blames all the world’s ills, past and present, on the Jews. It wants all of Israel totally destroyed and wiped off the map. Along comes Jimmy Carter who wants the United States to recognize Hamas and give it aid. English translation: Send them money. For what? So that they can purchase more rockets to send over the border.

Mr. President, it is obvious that you are old and are not thinking straight. Just in case you aren’t aware of what Hamas really is, it is a terrorist organization whose only goal is to destroy Israel. Is that what you really want?


Illegal immigrants do not qualify for coverage under the Affordable Care Act. With his pen and his cell phone our president is sure to find a way.


A couple of months ago our president traded five top terrorists for one deserter but he still has not yet addressed the sad situation of our Marine being held in Mexico. The media stopped talking about this. Am I the only American that’s still bothered by the sad situation? Again. I am StanG‌ershb‌ein@B‌ellso‌uth.net urging you to BOYCOTT MEXICO! Don’t give them a dime.

Read Stan Gershbein's column every Monday on Brook‌lynDa‌ily.com.

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