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By Stanley P. Gershbein
Brooklyn Daily
Several weeks ago I wrote:
“After wearing my clean used clothing, I told some of the hotel and ship employees to take the garments home with them. I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled they were to receive used, but still in decent condition, Yankees and Mets T-shirts, old college sweatshirts, casual uniforms …”
Reader Ed Stein responded: “Wow Stan! You gave used clothing to ‘The Help’! How … white of you! I have some used socks. Clean. Want ‘em?”
No Thank You, Mr. Stein. I don’t want them but I’m sure that there are less fortunate people than us who do. Or you might want to do what Bill Clinton did. He donated his used garments to charity and took tax deductions for what he overestimated was the value. One of the biggest jokes among journalists at that time was when they discovered he valued his very used, but clean undershorts at $2 each.
Mr. Stein, I just want to say “Thank You” for reading and offering your comments. Even though we agree on very little, I am grateful for your efforts. Whether you agree or disagree with me, your remarks seem to wake up the crowd. Thank you again.
Mr. Stein also wrote: “Stan ! Another botched execution!! Two (2) whole hours to strangle to death this time! In Arizona. Better and better. You’re getting your wish.”
Yes, Mr. Stein. My wish is that all murderers suffer not just a little bit, but a lot. One woman was quoted on the radio as saying, “Oh, that poor man.” You can quote me as saying “Oh that poor family.” They waited twenty-five years for justice to be served. I have no sympathy for the murderer. In the twenty-five years of his incarceration he watched TV, had his choice of books from a free lending library, had government health insurance, a better dental plan than most of us, a state-of-the-art gym, and he ate 27,375 well-balanced meals and more … all at taxpayers’ expense.
Many years ago, before Canarsie was wired for cable TV, State Senator Howard Babbush and I were good friends. He had just returned from a week-long inspection of various prisons, and his opening comment to me was, “Stan, they’re eating better than us and they have cable.”
I am holding a magazine article that says, “Most people don’t care if convicted murderers suffer. In fact, some prefer it that way.” And I am one of them. This guy lived twenty-five years longer than his victims. I am wondering, what’s the big deal over another two hours?
Two weeks ago I asked why Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Chuck Schumer, the two most important Jews in politics, haven’t been heard from regarding the situation in Israel. Debbie’s comments were tucked away on page 11 in her local newspaper down in Florida. We still have not heard from Chuck.