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IT’S ONLY MY OPINION: Stan says buy American — if it exists


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By Stanley P. Gershbein

Brooklyn Daily

A Reader and friend, Joan Applepie, e-mailed me a wonderful article about the benefits of buying American products. The commentary was wedged in the crevices of my mind while I was out shopping for a new pair of sneakers. I held up a pair of Reeboks. The little label inside informed me that this pair of sneakers was “Manufactured in China.” OK, let’s see the New Balance. Also – “Manufactured in China”. Puma, Adidas, Clarks, and Fila, all from China. Converse, a brand from way, way back when I was a kid, is now also from China. But I was sure this next one has to be made in the U.S. The outside label clearly named this model Perry Ellis-America. Another shocker — manufactured in China. Why does that surprise me? Didn’t we read about American flags imported from China?

“Excuse me.” I said to the salesman. “Is everything here made in China?”

“Of course not,” he replied. “There’s Nike and more Converse. They’re brought to us directly from Vietnam.”

After we laughed he followed up with, “As long as you appreciate my sense of humor, let me point out one more for you. There on that shelf is Florsheim. Made in India. Don’t blame me. I only sell them. I would love to sell you an American product but I cannot sell you what we don’t have. Better yet, I cannot sell you what probably doesn’t exist.”

Sorry Joan. I tried.

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Travis Alexander was stabbed as many as 29 times. His windpipe, jugular vein, and carotid artery was severed. He was also shot in the head. A gun. A knife. Do you think Jodi Arias really wanted him dead?

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Eric Holder, whining about the lack of respect he gets from Congress, brings to mind Rodney Dangerfield and Baby Huey who both cried, “I don’t get no respect.” The office he holds is worthy of respect, but the man in the office must earn it. The folks in Congress were duly elected by millions of Americans. You, Mr. Holder, were given that office by one man. You want respect? Go out and earn it. Many Americans feel you haven’t.

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Two weeks ago we spoke about “denial” not being a river in Egypt. Let’s go back to the Nile River for one very simple experiment that is put to college students. If I put a map of Egypt on the wall and showed you where the river is, which way would you say the river flows, north, south, east or west? With the map on the wall and with gravity in the back of our minds, nine of every 10 people will swear the answer is from north to south or down the wall. The flow has nothing to do with direction. Rivers flow from higher ground to lower ground and in this case the Nile flows up the wall or from south to north.

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With all the chaos in the District of Columbia this past week, no column can be complete without a comment about my president.

“What part of the presidency does Obama like? He doesn’t like dealing with other politicians. He doesn’t particularly like the press. He doesn’t like lobbying for the bills he cares about. He doesn’t seem to like being an executive.”

Stop! Before you compose critical comments to me I must inform you that the above quote was said by Chris Matthews on his TV show, “Hardball.” Remember that thrill going up his leg? I am StanGershbein@Bellsouth.net informing the world that the thrill is gone.

Read Stan Gershbein's column every Monday on BrooklynDaily.com.

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